Communication Coaching

Dominate your field by mastering your communication

With communication coaching, you will be the most confident you and start living your dream life, by knowing what you want to say and how you are going to say it. 

You know what you want, you are confident, but when push comes to shove you find yourself doing one (or many) of the following:

With 1:1 GYV communication coaching you will be able to


Alex helped me eliminate my stage fright and simply tell my story.

I had the pleasure of hosting Alexander Holzer on the Online Prosperity Show, and let me tell you, he’s the epitome of professionalism. His episode was nothing short of a masterclass on how to Eliminate Your Stage Fright Forever! Alex’s methods are not only practical but essential for every motivated individual looking to hone their soft skills and boost their confidence in effectively communicating their message. If you’re ready to take your public speaking game to the next level, Alex is your go-to expert!

Prosper Taruvinga

With GYV 1:1 communication coaching you will uncover:

The Why

Why are you the one communicating in this situation?

The What

What is the message that you are trying to convey?

The How

How will you deliver this message to your audience?

Is Gain Your Voice Communication Coaching the right fit for you?

This is not for everyone – it’s for highly driven and motivated people that want to be able to be top communicators and always be able to get what you want. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Joining me for a series of 1:1 coaching sessions is the best way to achieve success! Every unit of information taught will be designed and tailored to meet your specific communication needs and your communication style.

Typically, this program will run through about 8 weekly 50 minute sessions. During this time I will get to know your personality and your industry while you will get to know my secrets to a truly enjoyable public speaking experience!

As one early client said to me after her last session: “Alex, I know that I will be implementing the lessons taught in so many other areas”. The principles taught and practiced in Gain Your Voice coaching will make YOU a better communicator both in public or private, at work or in all other relationships.  

Is Gain Your Voice communication coaching the right fit for you?

If you don’t master your communication, you will miss out on business opportunities, you won’t ask for that raise, feel not confident and hesitant when you communicate and your listeners will feel that, Difficulty communicating your value to others. 

You need to FINALLY break the cycle and learn how to be a confident communicator 

What People Are Saying

Always know what to say

It can be very frustrating when you know what you need to say, but you are struggling on how to say it, 1:1 communication coaching will teach you the fundamentals that will help you be the confident communicator that you are. 

Lets work together

Are you ready to be in the top 1% of communicators in the world?